Monday, 6 July 2020


Big news today. North Point is out in paperback and eBook. I loved writing this book. It’s set in a fictional coastal town called Nynemouth, very like the place I grew up in Northumberland. I loved everything about that area of the world. It’s so rugged and romantic and it will form the backdrop for all of the books in my Jagged Shores series, of which North Point is the first.

It should be the start of a perfect vacation. After a period of stress, Arnie Walker takes his nine-year-old son AJ home for the holidays. Arnie grew up in Nyemouth, a picturesque fishing town on the North-East coast of England, and he wants AJ to experience the kind of carefree, endless summer he enjoyed as a boy. It’s a short-lived dream. While taking an evening walk along the North Point cliff, Arnie and AJ witness a murder attempt.

For the volunteer crew of Nyemouth Lifeboat Station, it’s a rescue mission like none before, Helmsman Dominic Melton is part of the team who rescue the victim from the deadly North Sea. When Arnie and Dominic come together in the aftermath of the attack, the attraction is instant. Arnie isn’t looking for a relationship. He’s committed to his son’s wellbeing and has no time for a distraction like Dominic, even though the handsome ex-naval officer is hard to dismiss. Is it possible for Arnie to full fill his promises to AJ while falling for Dominic?

 Despite the distraction, a fledgling killer remains at large. As feelings between Arnie and Dominic develop, so does the danger they are in. North Point may be a beautiful place to fall in love, but it could also be the most dangerous.

Buy Links:

Pride Publishing

Amazon UK

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Barnes and Noble


Friday, 8 May 2020

Cover Reveal: NORTH POINT

I'm delighted to share the cover and book info for my next novel North Point, due 7th July from Pride Publishing. I love this artwork.

Will an idyllic summer holiday lead Arnie to the love if his life, or the end of it?

It should be the start of a perfect vacation. After a period of stress, Arnie Walker takes his nine-year-old son AJ home for the holidays. Arnie grew up in Nyemouth, a picturesque fishing town on the North-East coast of England, and he wants AJ to experience the kind of carefree, endless summer he enjoyed as a boy. It’s a short-lived dream. While taking an evening walk along the North Point cliff, Arnie and AJ witness a murder attempt.

For the volunteer crew of Nyemouth Lifeboat Station, it’s a rescue mission like none before, Helmsman Dominic Melton is part of the team who rescue the victim from the deadly North Sea. When Arnie and Dominic come together in the aftermath of the attack, the attraction is instant. Arnie isn’t looking for a relationship. He’s committed to his son’s wellbeing and has no time for a distraction like Dominic, even though the handsome ex-naval officer is hard to dismiss. Is it possible for Arnie to full fill his promises to AJ while falling for Dominic?

 Despite the distraction, a fledgling killer remains at large. As feelings between Arnie and Dominic develop, so does the danger they are in. North Point may be a beautiful place to fall in love, but it could also be the most dangerous.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Written in Scars - Free on Amazon this week

If you happened to have missed my novella Written in Scars, it's available for free download on Amazon this week until Friday. Don't miss out.

Pain fades but the scars remain.

When Logan Crawford, a former war correspondent turned best-selling author, appears on TV to promote his latest thriller, he is knocked out by his fellow guest, Sam Radcliffe. Logan’s travels around the world have opened his eyes to many things, but nothing as attractive as the man he meets that night. Sam was the victim of a vicious stabbing in his youth and is now an active campaigner against knife crime and violence. He is perfect in every way but one: the wedding band he wears. That’s a complication Logan doesn’t need.

Sam’s life is far from happy. His husband is addicted to hard-drugs and casual sex: a devastating combination. Johan was once the shining light in Sam’s life. Now he brings nothing but darkness. But Sam respects the vows they made. For better or for worse. The attraction Logan feels for him is mutual. Ruggedly handsome and engagingly smart, Logan is hard to resist. Sam will need to overcome the anguish of his past and barriers of his present if he’s to stand a chance with Logan.

A contemporary new romance from the author of Closer by Morning and The Anthem Trilogy.


Amazon UK:

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Thursday, 30 April 2020


I hope this update finds everyone well in these intense days of lockdown. I know some people are finding it easier than others, and my heart goes out to anyone stuck at home, facing the days alone. My husband is an essential worker and continues to go to work, so I’m on my own for eight hours each day, but that’s nothing when I know he’s coming home each night and we can enjoy dinner and watching a bit of TV together. For anyone on their own, stay strong.

I enjoy being by myself and working on my books, but even I find it lonely at times. I’ve found the best way to break up the monotony of the day is to get out of the house and go for a walk. In the UK we’re (currently) allowed to take one hour of outside exercise, as long as we maintain social distancing measures. That hour is the highlight of my day and had definitely kept me on an even keel. Everyone copes in their own way and people need to do what works for them.

Anyway, I’ve used some of my free time to finally put together a mailing list. Once up and running I’ll send occasional emails with book notifications, special offers and updates. In the meantime for anyone signing up, I’m giving away a free short story.

Sleep is the last thing on their minds.

When lawyer Travis Milton joins a group of his colleagues to celebrate the birthday of a senior partner, things couldn’t go much worse. The older men’s idea of a good time is to act like drunken frat boys cruising from casino to strip clubs. Their bad behaviour gets them through out of one place after another. Travis is ready to cut them loose when they end up at Rubens, a high class bar in a luxury sky scraper, where he meets Oscar, a harassed but very sexy waiter.

Oscar is counting the minutes until the end of his shift, but when the hot young lawyer intervenes in a conflict, his night takes a turn for the better.

Friday, 17 April 2020


I hope everyone is staying safe in these strange times. It’s not easy and I know some people are having a real struggle to cope but I think I’m doing okay. At least, I haven’t cracked under the pressure yet. I suppose writers have an advantage in that we’re used to spending long periods of time alone. In many ways, a day by myself working on a book is one of my favourite things. That’s not to say I’m not missing things. Going out, catching up with people, movies, music, theatre. I can’t imagine when we’ll be able to enjoy those things again. I know I won’t take them for grant anymore.

My husband and I are trying our best to keep things going as normally as possible. We celebrated his birthday at the end of March. I did all I could to make it special for him, all things considered. We had a delicious take-away meal of Indian food, drank a lot of wine and ended the night with a kitchen disco for two, which I’m sure the neighbours were thrilled about. Hopefully we’ll be able to make up for it next year.

The most important thing is to keep safe and though lock down might seem a pain, it’s doing just that. I’ve tried to keep keeping busy most days. There’s a lot coming up this year and I’d like to stay on track with it all.

I’ll be launching a newsletter in May with a brand new story The Night, which I finished this week. The story will be free to anyone who subscribes to the newsletter. Stay tuned for more info and check out the great cover art below.

Also in May, Pride Publishing are re-issuing The Anthem Trilogy in box set format. I can’t tell you how proud I am of the Anthem books and how much fun they were to write. If anyone missed them the first time around the pre-order links are live now.


And one more bit of info. My next novel North Point will be released in July by Pride Publishing. Watch this space for a cover reveal very soon. It’s awesome. Possibly my favourite cover yet.

I’m currently outlining book three in the Success series and hopefully I’ve be able to announce the release date for book two when the newsletter launches next month.

So, there’s my news for the moment. Everyone has their own way of dealing with the current situation, but I can honestly say that keeping busy has been the best coping strategy for me. Whatever you do, stay safe.

Love Thom

Friday, 13 March 2020

Never Too Famous. What's it about?

My new series of novellas examines the things people are prepared to do for success and the high prices they will pay to maintain it. The first book Never Too Famous deals with the highs and lows of celebrity.
It’s a common perception that famous people want for nothing: big brands queue up to give them stuff for free and everyone loves them. Yet you only need to read the comments section on any celebrity’s social media account to see how untrue that statement is. In a lot of cases the haters outnumber the fans. It must take a thick skin to read the rude, insulting and derogatory comments complete strangers feel entitled to make against another person. Everything is up for criticism: looks, weight, age, fashion, family, sexuality, race, gender, and because that person is famous, it’s seen as an acceptable part of the job.
And yet, millions of people crave that kind of success. As a person who values privacy, this is something I have always found fascinating. Never Too Famous is a love story set in the world of reality television. Harry and Grant are TV stars from completely different backgrounds. For Harry fame happened by chance, when a documentary crew filmed a fly-on-the-wall series about life on a luxury cruise ship, where he was working as a marine engineer. He’s never been entirely comfortable with the trappings of fame. While Grant became famous on a show called Sexy Northerners, and there’s nothing he won’t do to maintain his position as the shows leading hunk; sex-tapes, fake relationships and publicity stunts are all in a day’s work for him. The two men couldn’t be more different, and when they meet things get hot very quickly.


Blurb: They’ll do anything for fame, whatever the cost.

Harry Alexander and Grant Hunter are big names in reality TV, but they couldn’t be more different. For Harry, fame happened by chance. He was working as a marine engineer on a cruise ship when the liner became the subject of a fly-on-the-wall documentary series. Harry’s good looks and charming personality made him an immediate hit with viewers, and he became the break-out star of the show.

Grant Hunter took no chances in his pursuit of fame. Having starred in the outrageous reality show Sexy Northerners, he grabbed success with both hands and didn’t let go. Grant is prepared to do whatever it takes to stay at the top—red-carpet appearances, parties, high-profile romances and X-rated videos. He’ll do anything in the name of self-promotion to maintain his notorious reputation.

When Harry arrives in Grant’s home city of Manchester, they have preconceived ideas about each other. As they realize they have more in common than they ever thought, they must overcome prejudice, rivalry and the social and professional barriers placed before them, if they’re ever to get together

Series Blurb: Fame, money, power. Some men will do anything for them. In every field, it’s a cut-throat race to the top, littered with deceit, passion and love. For those strong enough to get what they want, maintaining it is never easy.

Reality TV stars, footballers, lawyers, singers and movies stars—join them as they discover what they’re each prepared to pay to preserve their success.

Books Details:

Never Too Famous by Thom Collins

Success Series Book 1

Publisher: Pride Publishing

Date: 10th March 2020

Word count: 31,515


The bars along the canal were busy for a Sunday evening. People sat at the outside tables, laughing and drinking. From the corner of his eye, he clocked that someone had recognized him and was moving in his direction. Harry tucked his chin and kept walking. He wanted to reach his room, lock the door and spend some quality time alone.

When a hand touched his shoulder, he expected it to be a fan, eager for a photograph. He turned, hoping to make it quick, and was surprised to recognize the smiling face that greeted him.

Grant Hunter.

My God, he’s handsome. Up close, his chiseled features and warm brown eyes were exquisite. His smile grew wider and his eyes sparkled with amusement.

“I thought it was you,” Grant said, thrusting a hand forward. “Nice to meet you at last.”

“You too,” Harry said, accepting the firm handshake.

“I wanted to say hello last night, but you left the club before I got the chance.”

“Sorry.” Harry shrugged, unable to tear his eyes from Grant’s hypnotic gaze. Dark and moody, like a film star from a different era, a 1950s matinee idol who’d stepped straight off the screen and been transported to modern-day Manchester.

You could cut yourself on his cheekbones, they’re so sharp. And that jawline…

“It wasn’t really your scene, was it?” Grant asked.

“I guess not. But sorry, again, I should have come over before I left. It was rude not to.”

“Why don’t you make it up to me now?” Grant said, gesturing to the bar where they had stopped. “A drink. I’ve got nothing else to do right now. How about you?”

The man was a natural flirt. That was obvious. But he had an undefinable and powerful charisma. Harry’s heart beat faster. Grant had an instant effect on him. “Why not?”


Tuesday, 10 March 2020

OUT NOW: Never Too Famous

Today is the day. My new novella Never Too Famous is released by Pride Publishing.

They’ll do anything for fame, whatever the cost.

Harry Alexander and Grant Hunter are big names in reality TV, but they couldn’t be more different. For Harry, fame happened by chance. He was working as a marine engineer on a cruise ship when the liner became the subject of a fly-on-the-wall documentary series. Harry’s good looks and charming personality made him an immediate hit with viewers, and he became the break-out star of the show.

Grant Hunter took no chances in his pursuit of fame. Having starred in the outrageous reality show Sexy Northerners, he grabbed success with both hands and didn’t let go. Grant is prepared to do whatever it takes to stay at the top—red-carpet appearances, parties, high-profile romances and X-rated videos. He’ll do anything in the name of self-promotion to maintain his notorious reputation.

When Harry arrives in Grant’s home city of Manchester, they have preconceived ideas about each other. As they realize they have more in common than they ever thought, they must overcome prejudice, rivalry and the social and professional barriers placed before them, if they’re ever to get together

Series Blurb: Fame, money, power. Some men will do anything for them. In every field, it’s a cut-throat race to the top, littered with deceit, passion and love. For those strong enough to get what they want, maintaining it is never easy.

Reality TV stars, footballers, lawyers, singers and movies stars—join them as they discover what they’re each prepared to pay to preserve their success.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Written In Scars FREE this weekend 6th -9th March 2020

My novella Written in Scars is available free on Amazon this weekend. Don't miss out.

Pain fades but the scars remain.

When Logan Crawford, a former war correspondent turned best-selling author, appears on TV to promote his latest thriller, he is knocked out by his fellow guest, Sam Radcliffe. Logan’s travels around the world have opened his eyes to many things, but nothing as attractive as the man he meets that night. Sam was the victim of a vicious stabbing in his youth and is now an active campaigner against knife crime and violence. He is perfect in every way but one: the wedding band he wears. That’s a complication Logan doesn’t need.

Sam’s life is far from happy. His husband is addicted to hard-drugs and casual sex: a devastating combination. Johan was once the shining light in Sam’s life. Now he brings nothing but darkness. But Sam respects the vows they made. For better or for worse. The attraction Logan feels for him is mutual. Ruggedly handsome and engagingly smart, Logan is hard to resist. Sam will need to overcome the anguish of his past and barriers of his present if he’s to stand a chance with Logan.

A contemporary new romance from the author of Closer by Morning and The Anthem Trilogy.


Friday, 7 February 2020


Never Too Famous is available to pre-order now.

Blurb: They’ll do anything for fame, whatever the cost.

Harry Alexander and Grant Hunter are big names in reality TV, but they couldn’t be more different. For Harry, fame happened by chance. He was working as a marine engineer on a cruise ship when the liner became the subject of a fly-on-the-wall documentary series. Harry’s good looks and charming personality made him an immediate hit with viewers, and he became the break-out star of the show.

Grant Hunter took no chances in his pursuit of fame. Having starred in the outrageous reality show Sexy Northerners, he grabbed success with both hands and didn’t let go. Grant is prepared to do whatever it takes to stay at the top—red-carpet appearances, parties, high-profile romances and X-rated videos. He’ll do anything in the name of self-promotion to maintain his notorious reputation.

When Harry arrives in Grant’s home city of Manchester, they have preconceived ideas about each other. As they realize they have more in common than they ever thought, they must overcome prejudice, rivalry and the social and professional barriers placed before them, if they’re ever to get together

Series Blurb: Fame, money, power. Some men will do anything for them. In every field, it’s a cut-throat race to the top, littered with deceit, passion and love. For those strong enough to get what they want, maintaining it is never easy.

Reality TV stars, footballers, lawyers, singers and movies stars—join them as they discover what they’re each prepared to pay to preserve their success.


Never Too Famous by Thom Collins

Success Series Book 1

Publisher: Pride Publishing

Date: 10th March 2020

Word count: 31,515

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Release Blitz: More Dangerous Heroes

Sizzling Tales of Timeless Desire
Historical Romance
Date Published: January 28, 2020
Publisher: Scott Publishing

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USA Today & Award-Winning Authors present 1600 pages of Romance, Adventure, English Lords and Highland Warriors, and heart-stopping romance.

The Time Traveler's Desire - Amy Jarecki

A man's life can fall apart in an instant...

Tougher than oxhide, Lachlan Wallace can take about anything except a breakup call from his wife two minutes before competing in the Karate Championship of the World. Arriving home with a loss, he agrees to watch his uncle's cat over the holidays. Or so he thinks--until he awakes on a fourteenth-century battlefield beside a woman fighting for her life.

The Wicked Lady - Brenda Jernigan

When Trevor Claremont is blind-sided by a pickpocket, he isn't prepared for the feisty redhead whom he finds is one wicked lady. Seeing a solution to his pressing problem of finding a bride to please his dying grandmother, he offers her a deal: marriage to him...or prison, never imagining that this little cut-purse will also steal his heart.

A Knight's Desire - Catherine Kean

Lady Rosetta Montgomery is on her way to her wedding when she's kidnapped by a rider dressed all in black. She discovers her abductor is Lord Ashton Blakeley, her first and only true love, who left her to go on Crusade. Ash is a changed man now, with disfiguring scars and agonizing secrets. As rumors of lost Anglo-Saxon gold and treachery unfold, and Rosetta grows to understand the man Ash has become, will she help him fight for their love, or will the danger surrounding the hidden riches cost them all that they treasure?

The Angel and The Prince - Laurel O'Donnell

In this exciting medieval romance, the French lady knight known as the Angel of Death wages a battle of wills and desires against her dreaded enemy -- the English warrior known as the Prince of Darkness.

Highlander in Her Dreams - Sue-Ellen Welfonder

They met through Highland Magic, can true love keep them together?

After stepping through a magical gateway, Kira Bedwell finds herself in fourteenth-century Scotland, face-to-face with Aidan MacDonald, the irresistible Highlander who has visited her in dreams. As their romance transcends to reality, it will take all of their courage and will for their love to survive beyond time itself...

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