Friday 23 December 2016

End of year Round Up

As we’re coming to the end of 2016, it’s the perfect time for a recap of the year. It’s certainly had it’s ups and downs, on a world wide stage as well as professional one. I’m trying my best to be optimistic  and crossing everything in the hope that 2017 will be better, but as I write this, the news is filled with doom and gloom. Terrorists attacks around the world, discontent in politics, hate crimes on the rise. Even at lunch today, I had to leave the cafe after listening to a man at the next table brag that the police were looking for him after breaking another man’s jaw. So, with that still playing heavily on my mind, I’m going to look at the good things that came my way in 2016.

Closer by Morning. Without a doubt the career highlight of the year. My first full length romance novel. The response I received for the book totally blew me away. A few people didn’t get it, or were disturbed by the violence, but over all I couldn’t have hoped for more with my debut. Some of the criticism about violence did surprise me. I was very careful about how much I showed in the book and didn’t want to make it explicit, but it’s all subjective. Unlike romance, I don’t think violence should be sugar coated. I never want to glamorise or trivialise it. Most of the violent scenes are based on true stories. I learned a lot writing this book. About myself as much as anything. It was a real blast and I’m glad that most people who read it have enjoyed it.


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Hot on the heals of Closer by Morning, we had Brothers in Arms, an outstanding anthology of military themed stories that I am so proud to have been part of.  This featured Gods of Vengeance, a revenge themed MM romance.  Brothers in Arms is available in ebook and paperback formats.


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My first release of 2017 will be the standalone ebook release of Gods of Vengeance.

Pre Order Date: 7th Feb 2017
Early download date: 21st Feb 2017
General release date. 21st March 2017

Then later in the year I have a novella due from Pride Publishing called Silent Voices.

Pre Order Date: 9th May 2017
Early download date: 23rd May 2017
General release date. 20th June 2017

I’ll post more details on this title near the time but I can reveal it’s another adult romance with a dark undercurrent. I also have a new novel coming from Pride later in the year, the first book in a trilogy. I’ve only just completed the final draft of this so no release date is set, but as soon as I know you’ll hear it here.

My writing calander is now full for 2017. I’ve got the next two books in the trilogy underway and hope to complete a standalone novella before the end of the year too. I’m probably over stretching myself but aim big, that’s what I always say. I’ve got rough outlines in place for all three books so there’s no reason not to hit that target if I work hard.

It hasn’t all been work this year. I had a coupe of great holidays with my husband. We visited Norway in April and the views of the famous Fjords were absolutely stunning.

Then in September we took a fantastic cruise around the coast of Spain. Portugal and Gibralta.

Writing this blog has made me release that they have been more ups than downs in 2016 so I shouldn’t complain. Very merry Christmas to everyone reading and best wishes for 2017. It’s going to be a good one. I know it.