Thursday, 7 September 2023

PTSD and the final Jagged Shores Book

 After last weeks post about the Cold Day Dawning character of Antoni, I’ve been asked by a couple of people to elaborate on my own PTSD experience which informed Antoni’s character development. Happy too.

Trigger warning – some reader might want to skip what follows.

I won’t go into huge detail because I don’t want to reignite the situation, but about 11-12 years ago, I encountered someone who bore a grudge against me. After a short period that involved threats and menacing phone calls, this person broke into my office, emptied two cans of petrol over my desk and chair and set fire to it. Long story short, this person was arrested within a few days, admitted to the whole thing, and went to jail.

Although it was a shock at the time, it didn’t seem to bother me too much in the beginning. I was made to go for counselling by my employers, but it did nothing for me (not least because the counsellor spent most of the sessions telling me about her holidays – but that’s another story.) It was a few months later that I started to feel the impact. Nightmares. I was angry a lot of time. I didn’t trust the people I encountered at work. I withdrew and didn’t want to go out. I became security obsessed. It all culminated in some suicidal thoughts, which is when I finally asked for professional help. Getting help was only the beginning of a long recovery process and although I’ve processed it, I still get triggered occasionally.

When this person was first released from prison, they went on to commit an even more serious violent offence against someone else, which brought a lot of my anxiety back. They went to prison on an even longer sentence, but when they escaped from custody a couple of years ago, I wasn’t allowed to go into work until they were apprehended.

They are next due for release in two years time.

So that’s basically it. Although I’ve never written about what happened directly, I can see that it’s influenced a lot of the stories and characters I have created. My first novel Closer by Morning is very dark. I wrote it as I was still recovering, and I think it reflects the troubled place I was in at the time. I was certainly able to draw on those difficult times to write about what Antoni goes through in the aftermath of Deep Waters and during Cold Day Dawning. I don’t think PTSD defines me or my books. I write romance stories, but I’ve had a life long love of thrillers and horror which have always been huge influences. I think I’ve been able to harness the PTSD experience and process it in a positive and cathartic way.

If anyone is going through that kind of thing now, I can only offer my best wishes. There’s a lot of help available but it’s not always the right help, or the help you need at the time, but it’s better to reach out and tell someone. As I said above, recovery is a long process, it takes years, but for me acknowledging something was wrong and talking about it, was a great beginning.

So, on a happier note, the reviews for Cold Day Dawning are fantastic. I’m delighted that the book is being so well received. Last week I sent the final book in the series to my publisher, and they have fixed the release date already. Jagged Ends (Jagged Shores 5) will be out on 30th April next year. I can’t say too much about it yet. It’s another standalone romance, but if you’ve enjoyed the series so far, I can promise the return of some favourite characters before the series reached an end.


Thursday, 31 August 2023

Cold Day Dawning - who is Antoni?

 Cold Day Dawning is out in the world and getting a great reaction – always a relief. I thought I’d share a little bit of my writing process and how I came to create one of the main characters Antoni Nowak.

Antoni was easy in a way as he had already appeared in a supporting role in the previous book Deep Waters. I make detailed notes and bios of all my characters, so I already knew his backstory. The challenge this time was to discover how his injuries in the last book had impacted upon him.

Antoni is a photographer who runs a gallery in the town centre with his brother Roger. He was left in a critical condition at the end of Deep Waters with serious injuries. When we meet him again, his physical wounds have healed but the mental scars have left a more lasting impact. He suffers from anxiety attacks, lack of appetite and has trouble sleeping, but he’s a survivor and is slowly rebuilding his life with support from his family and friends.

I found myself digging deep into my own past for this. I went through an event in 2012 that left me with PTSD for a several years afterwards. While my own experience was more psychological than physical, I was able to tap into that to address Antoni’s circumstances in this book.

I plan all of my stories and characters in project books. No modern software or folder structures for me – it’s all done on pen and paper. I use a lot of actors and models to give the physical features for the characters. Again, I’m very old school with this, printing and cutting out photos of people I like.

So Antoni already had a detailed bio and physical description from my Deep Waters story notes. For this book I had to update them with what he’d been through since and where he was right now.

When Antoni meets handsome Dalton Caine at a party, it seems like his life is about to take a turn for the better. But as they get to know each other and their relationship develops, Antoni and Dalton are plunged into a twisted mystery that put both their lives at risk.

I’m so proud of Cold Day Dawning and the character of Antoni. I enjoy romance and suspense in equal measures and feel I hit it just right in this book.


Monday, 21 August 2023

Cold Day Dawning - Out Now

 Cold Day Dawning, the fourth book in my Jagged Shores series is out now. I love this book and am so happy it’s out in the world. The early reviews are all great and I’m sure readers are going to love it as much as the other novels in the series. The timing couldn’t be better because in the same week book 4 is published, I’m doing my final edit on book 5 before sending it off to my publisher. Like the books that have gone before, you can expect drama, danger, romance, suspense and hot sex. I love returning Nyemouth for each instalment: breathing in the sea air, walking along the cliff tops, enjoying all the great food in the bars and restaurants along the harbour. It will be a bittersweet moment when I leave the town and series behind, but I’m not quite there yet.

Cold Day Dawning is available in ebook and paperback and there are signed available in the online store.


It should be the perfect weekend away. Dalton Caine makes the long journey to Nyemouth to attend a party hosted by his sister. Catherine is estranged from most of the family, but Dalton feels the time has come to build bridges between them. Things don’t turn out how he wants when Catherine gives him a cold reception at the party, but the evening is not a complete waste of time when he meets local photographer Antoni.


Following a near fatal attack six months earlier, Antoni has struggled with his physical and mental recovery. Catherine’s party is the first time he had been out at night since and he’s ready for an early exit when he meets Dalton. The stranger is warm, friendly and incredibly handsome. When Antoni overcomes his reservations and accepts a drink at Dalton’s hotel, it could be the start of something new for both of them.


Despite the joy of fresh romance, things soon take a darker turn. The morning after the party, Catherine’s boyfriend reports her missing. Dalton isn’t initially concerned. Catherine has disappeared of her own will before and he’s more interested in getting to know Antoni, but the men soon find themselves at the centre of a twisted mystery, one that puts both of their lives in danger.


Cold Day Dawning is the fourth book in the Jagged Shores series and is set six months after book three Deep Waters. Although this can be read as a standalone romance, there are some characters who carry through and the books are best enjoyed in order.

Friday, 28 July 2023

COLD DAY DAWNING Jagged Shores Book 4. Available to Pre Order


Just a quick update as we approach the end of July. I hope everyone has enjoyed a great summer. Depending on where you are in the world that might not be so good if you’re enduring the terrible heat waves. Where I live in the UK is quite the opposite and I can’t remember the last day that didn’t rain.

On a brighter note, I enjoyed an amazing cruise to Iceland earlier in the year. The scenery was the most stunning I've ever seen and will surely inspire some future books.

And after the holidays, back to work. My next book Cold Day Dawning will be released by Pride Publishing on 22nd August. It’s the fourth book in my Jagged Shores series. Like the previous novels this can be read as a standalone story or as part of the loosely linked on-going series. I always try to avoid spoilers for the previous books, but as this entry features a returning character from Deep Waters, there are a few minor spoilers involved, though nothing major.

The early reviews that I’ve read are wonderful, which is always a relief. I tend to get a little nervous as I approach release date and worry about what readers will think, but so far, it’s look good. I really hope readers will connect with this novel as it as it was such a personal one to write.

So, what can I say about it? Like the previous books, it’s set in the coastal town of Nyemouth. Dalton Caine is visiting in order to build bridges with his estranged sister Catherine. Catherine hosts a party and though it doesn’t work out for her and Dalton, he makes a connection with local photographer Antoni. Antoni has had a tough time and is slowly rebuilding is life. When the guys hit it off, it seems like a sweet weekend romance could be in the offing, but things take a complicated turn when Catherine goes missing the following day.

The early reviews that I’ve read are wonderful, which is always a relief. I tend to get a little nervous as I approach release date and worry about what readers will think, but so far, it’s look good. I really hope readers will connect with this novel as it as it was such a personal one to write.

So, what can I say about it? Like the previous books, it’s set in the coastal town of Nyemouth. Dalton Caine is visiting in order to build bridges with his estranged sister Catherine. Catherine hosts a party and though it doesn’t work out for her and Dalton, he makes a connection with local photographer Antoni. Antoni has had a tough time and is slowly rebuilding is life. When the guys hit it off, it seems like a sweet weekend romance could be in the offing, but things take a complicated turn when Catherine goes missing the following day.

Cold Day Dawning features the same elements of romance, suspense, danger and mystery that are integral to the Jagged Shores series. I’ve mixed them up to do something different this time and I can’t wait to share the results. The ebook is available to pre-order right now and the paperback version will be available soon.


Friday, 3 February 2023

DEEP WATERS - Dive Deeper

Deep Waters has been out a few weeks now and the response and five star reviews have been overwhelming. This has been the best received of the Jagged Shores books so far.

Writing a series of books is always a challenge. I want to give the readers all the familiar elements they enjoy while still doing something different each time. With the Jagged Shores series I try to do that by using the same location, my fictional coastal town of Nyemouth and a handful of recurring characters, while introducing new characters, relationships and themes with each story. Deep Waters is murder mystery from the opening chapter while exploring secrets and prejudices of the small town. In the first town novels Nyemouth is presented as a picture perfect seaside town, but in Deep Waters we get to see some of the dark undercurrents that run beneath the surface.

In this book we get to meet our main characters right at the start. Christian Coster is 42 years old. He’s a journalists and novelist from Manchester. Christian is friends with Dominic, the hero of North Point, and is visiting Nyemouth on Dominic’s recommendation. He’s seeking inspiration for his next book and hires a local boatman and tour guide to give him a flavour of the area. Harry Renner is 29, a local boy who runs his own boat out of Nyemouth harbour. Harry is hardworking, independent and single. Though both men are attracted to each other, the difference in their ages stops them from taking the issue seriously. However, they are quickly united in a common cause when they attempt to rescue an injured young man from the sea and become embroiled in a murder mystery.

For anyone who is interested in the process of creating a novel, here’s a peak at my note book for Deep Waters and some of the images I used to inspire the characters. I also found it necessary to draw a map of Nyemouth to keep the geography clear in my head. This is something I should have done before book one and I’ll definitely be more organised when it’s time to start a new series.

I’m delighted to say book four is already written and has a publication date of August 2023. The fourth entry is different again in tone and theme, through it retains the thriller elements of the series and a supporting character from Deep Waters returns for a lead role. At the minute my plan is to end the series on book five and move onto something new, but I don’t want to tie myself in just yet. I love writing the Jagged Shores series and as long as the ideas keep coming, I’ll continue.

PS. I'll be adding a few extra features to this site in the coming weeks including signed paperback editions for those readers who like to hold something in their hands.