Wednesday, 19 October 2016


Many apologies for this long overdue update. I haven’t been around much at all for the last few months. Excuses I knew but it couldn’t be helped. First it was because of a holiday. A fabulous cruise visiting Barcelona, Gibraltar, Cadiz, Malaga and a load of other beautiful places. Secondly, I had a short spell in hospital. Nothing too serious but it did result in a little down time and being out of action. Anyway, enough of the excuses – I’m back.

Brothers in Arms a new military themed anthology from Pride Publishing is due out at the end of this month, but it’s available for early download now from the Pride site.  LINK. Only £4.  Featuring stories from Megan Slayer, Helena Maeve, Anna Lee, and Lucy Felthouse, it includes my revenge thriller Gods of Vengeance.

'Gods of Vengeance' by Thom CollinsUnited in passion. Driven by vengeance.
Owen Hazard, a young farmer is dead. Murdered while he tried to prevent a robbery on his land. His older brother, Captain Mark Hazard, returns home for the funeral. Owen’s best friend, Riley runs the local pub. He has information about the night Owen was killed—he knows who was responsible. The police are doing nothing. Vengeance is their only option. United in their passion for each other and a thirst for revenge, Riley and Mark must take the law into their own hands if there’s to be any justice for Owen.
Reader Advisory: This story contains scenes of violence.


Gods of Vengeance will also be released as a standalone title next spring.

Now that I’m back I have lots of other writing to be getting on with. I’ve just completed a 20K word novella, which is another thriller, and am about to start editing the manuscript for my next full length novel – hopefully the first book in a series – if there’s a demand for it. I’m also developing a story that’s laid dormant for several years. I’ve always wanted to write a historical romance set in the 1960’s, just before homosexuality was made legal in the UK. I’ve attempted the story before but never felt I was ready to do it justice. But next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the Sexual Offences Act 1967 which finally legalised sex between two men. It feels right for me to look at this period again.

The nights are cutting in and the leaves are falling from the trees. Autumn is well and truly here and it’s my favourite time of year. I love closing the curtains on a dark evening, shutting out the world and settling in for a quiet evening at home. Unlike a lot of people I also love the dark mornings. In the summer I often struggle to sleep soundly when it’s daylight at 3.30 am but autumn and winter is perfect. I sleep soundly in the dark until my alarm goes off. It’s blissful.

It probably helps that Halloween is my birthday. I have a love of all things dark and macabre. Ghosts stories, horror movies, lanterns and costumes – I can’t get enough of it. I’m looking forward to watching some great horror films over the next few days. Just this week I watched The Conjuring 2. Wow, it was easily the best new horror film I’ve seen in years, a real modern classic. If you haven’t already seen it, check it out.

Happy Halloween – stay safe.