So we’re almost two weeks into 2017 already. Yikes. I’ve got a feeling this one might go just as quickly as last year. Like most people I’ve made a few resolutions to start the year. I’m not interested in the usual stuff, those ones about depriving yourself. I’m not giving up chocolate and I’m certainly not going dry for January or any other month. I know I won’t stick to them so would be setting myself up to fail.
I don’t mind easing back during January. Christmas and New Year were pretty full on, but I’m not giving anything up. I’ve made resolutions that will be easy and fun to stick to.
1. See a live show at least once every month. This is my favourite. I did it a couple of years ago and had a fantastic time. I usually go to the theatre 5 or 6 times a year, but always to see the same kind of thing – big feel good musicals. Making the resolution forced me to consider other forms of entertainment and broaden my horizons, taking in comedy, opera and ballet. I’ll always make time for the West End shows but I’m looking forward to seeing what my smaller, local theatres have to offer this year. First up I’ve bought tickets to a classical music concert at the end of the month. Can’t wait.
2. Promotion. 2017 is the year I get to my act together. I tested the waters with guest blogging, Twitter and interviews for Closer by Morning but I have a long way to go. I can’t wait to get out there and try new things. With two releases scheduled for the first half of the year, it’s going to be busy.
3. Regular blog updates. This has always been a struggle. With a day job that takes up four days a week, I like to keep my spare time for writing itself and the blog tends to get neglected. So regular posts are another must for 2017.
4. Be more positive. A bit airy fairy this one but I can’t help feeling that in 2016 a lot of us focused on the negative factors in life. This year I want to celebrate the good stuff.
All in all I’m pretty positive about the coming year. I know what I want to achieve writing wise and I've got a couple of holidays planned so it won't be all work. There’s a lot to look forward to and I’m ready to embrace it.
Thom x