Friday, 17 April 2020


I hope everyone is staying safe in these strange times. It’s not easy and I know some people are having a real struggle to cope but I think I’m doing okay. At least, I haven’t cracked under the pressure yet. I suppose writers have an advantage in that we’re used to spending long periods of time alone. In many ways, a day by myself working on a book is one of my favourite things. That’s not to say I’m not missing things. Going out, catching up with people, movies, music, theatre. I can’t imagine when we’ll be able to enjoy those things again. I know I won’t take them for grant anymore.

My husband and I are trying our best to keep things going as normally as possible. We celebrated his birthday at the end of March. I did all I could to make it special for him, all things considered. We had a delicious take-away meal of Indian food, drank a lot of wine and ended the night with a kitchen disco for two, which I’m sure the neighbours were thrilled about. Hopefully we’ll be able to make up for it next year.

The most important thing is to keep safe and though lock down might seem a pain, it’s doing just that. I’ve tried to keep keeping busy most days. There’s a lot coming up this year and I’d like to stay on track with it all.

I’ll be launching a newsletter in May with a brand new story The Night, which I finished this week. The story will be free to anyone who subscribes to the newsletter. Stay tuned for more info and check out the great cover art below.

Also in May, Pride Publishing are re-issuing The Anthem Trilogy in box set format. I can’t tell you how proud I am of the Anthem books and how much fun they were to write. If anyone missed them the first time around the pre-order links are live now.


And one more bit of info. My next novel North Point will be released in July by Pride Publishing. Watch this space for a cover reveal very soon. It’s awesome. Possibly my favourite cover yet.

I’m currently outlining book three in the Success series and hopefully I’ve be able to announce the release date for book two when the newsletter launches next month.

So, there’s my news for the moment. Everyone has their own way of dealing with the current situation, but I can honestly say that keeping busy has been the best coping strategy for me. Whatever you do, stay safe.

Love Thom

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