Friday, 15 December 2017

2017: End of year round up

It’s been a few weeks since I last did a proper update, for which I apologise. I’m sure it’s the same for most of you, but the end of the year becomes a bit hectic; Short days, dodgy weather and too many things to do. I shouldn’t complain. I love the whole Christmas period and am looking forward to doing it all this year.

Well 2017 has been pretty kind to me. I’ve had one novel and three shorter books published this year which is pretty amazing. I’ve also written two full length novels which is even better. It’s been such a rewarding experience to get stuck into such a big project.

So, news update. Anthem 3 is done – just about. I completed my final draft last week and am currently giving it one last proof read which will be done this weekend. It’s taken a little longer to finish than expected, but I wanted to be finished by the end of the year, and will easily do that. I wasn’t as happy at the end of draft 2 as I expected to be, so spent a lot of time going over it again to make it the best it could be. Now I’m very happy. I haven’t had a definite confirmation from Pride about when the releases will pick up again, but what I have heard is promising and I should have news very soon.

While it was a fantastic experience to write a trilogy, the road to publication has been rockier than it first appeared, and is far from over. The Anthem trilogy has been a lot of hard work but hugely rewarding. I just hope I can share it with readers as early as possible in 2018. It’s also been great to see some of my short stories and novellas being so well received. The year got off to a great start with the publication of Gods of Vengeance, followed by Silent Voices, Anthem of the Sea and most recently The Coach.

Moving on. I intended to write a MM novella the back end of this year, but with the extra work I put into Anthem, I won’t start that until the new year. I’ve already got the characters in place and a rough outline of the story and I’m looking forward to getting to work. I also have an idea for a short story at like to write in early 2018 and I’m thinking about dipping my toes in the waters of self-publishing. We’ll

After that I plan to take a break from MM stories to focus on a more mainstream project, but that’s still at a very early stage.
I’m spending Christmas at home this year. I love to travel but Christmas is all about home comfort for me. Catching up with family and friends, over-eating, drinking too much. I love to cook so will be spending as much time as I can in the kitchen.

So here’s wishing everyone the very best for Christmas and 2018. Lots of love
Thom xxx

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