Tuesday, 12 March 2019

AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Peter J Thompson author of THE RUNAWAY

Publish Date: 01/31/2019

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A corrupt corporation. Ruthless assassins. Will the family that runs together… die together?

Zach Monaghan just became a target. Under witness protection from his father’s whistleblowing, his reckless desire to win back a normal life compels him to run away. But escaping his new identity won’t last long if two contract killers catch up to him…

Richard “Birdman” Byrd has worked hand-in-hand with his tormentor Gorski for years. Siphoning away money and sending assassins to hunt down the Monaghans could be his only way out of the crooked partnership. But if Birdman doesn’t watch himself, the verbal abuse he’s received for years could turn deadly.

As the ruthless killer draws closer to Zach, surviving the greedy corporate plot may force the whole family to get their hands bloody…

The Runaway is a fast-paced thriller with dizzying twists and turns. If you like non-stop action, high-stakes tension, and large casts of compelling characters, then you’ll love Peter Thompson’s gripping novel.

Buy The Runaway to join a thrilling race against time today!


Do You See Writing as a Career?

I do. It has been my hobby for a long time, but for me, I needed to make a commitment. I have always juggled my writing in with all my other responsibilities, and all too often the writing came last. It has been my dream to be a full time writer for a long time. Writing is something I love and something that I think I have a real gift for. I knew that if I kept on putting my writing to the back of the line, that I’d regret it. We don’t know how long we have on this Earth, and I feel strongly that this is a big part of the reason I am here. I am writing full time now and I don’t see myself looking back.

What was the Hardest Part of Your Writing Process?

Sometimes it’s just sitting down in the morning, and putting those first words down. I write every day and the habit helps. Some days you feel more creative than others, but if I just sit down and try, it usually starts flowing and one of the best feelings is when the story pops in place and starts to write itself. Then I’m just hanging on and trying to keep up. The other part of the writing process that is hard, is when I am moving forward with a novel and I lose my way. It happens with pretty much every project. I start with a good idea and some strong characters and I have an idea of where I am going. It starts out strong, and then something happens and I lose the
trail, and can’t figure out what comes next. When that happens I often take a break and start working on something else. Just taking my mind off it is sometimes enough to get tuned in again. when I look at it next I have ideas again, and wonder why I had such a problem with it. Other times, the best thing I can do is have someone else read it, and give me their feedback. I get
too close sometimes, and having another set of eyes, someone to tell me what isn’t working, helps to set things right.

 Did you have any One Person Who Helped You Out with Your Writing Outside of Your Family?

In my family my mother in law was a huge help. She’d been a professional business editor who loved fiction, and she was a mentor, teacher and coach when I first started writing. I got involved with a writers group early on, and this was one of the greatest things I could have done. We met every week
and we read our work, and listened to the others read theirs, and made comments and constructive critique. I learned as much by analyzing what worked and what didn’t with others stories, as I did by the comments they had for me. If you get involved in a writer’s group, make sure you are the right fit. If the people are genuinely there to help, it can be a great experience. But egos can get involved and I know some people didn’t have the great experience that I did.

What is next for your writing?

I am half way through a thriller novel that has one of my previous characters as the hero. It’s not really a series, but it is linked into the same universe, and I see more characters popping up in future works. Once I finish this, hopefully it will be released before Summer, I have a series I want to start. This too will have a previous character as the leading role, but she will be in a much different situation than when we saw her last. It’s too early to give any real details, but I have a bunch of ideas and I’m excited for the stories that I still need to write. 

Do you have an addiction to reading as well as writing? If so, what are you currently reading?

I love to read, but honestly, I used to read so much more. I still read every day, but it is at night before going to bed and at little times during the day when I can catch up. Right now I am reading several things. First, I’m reading a manuscript from a friend. This hasn’t been published yet. I’m also reading about wilderness survival, which fits in with the story I am working on, and for pleasure I am Reading the latest Elvis Cole book from Robert Crais, one of my favorite writers.

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When a boy runs away from his fake home in the Witness Protection Program, assassins pick up the trail, unleashing a world of problems for him and his family.
This or That?

#1 - iPd or Mp3? 

Mp3. Or maybe Ipod. It’s such a great thing that you can take music or audiobooks with you wherever you go, I really don’t pay much
attention to the delivery, I do both.

#2 – Chocolate or Vanilla?

Chocolate all the way, the richer the better.

#3 – Mashed Potatoes or French Fries?

I’m kind of a health nut and try not to binge, but I absolutely LOVE crispy french fries.

#4 – Comedy or Drama?

I can’t make this an either or. It depends on what I’m in the mood for, I love both.

#5 – Danielle Steel or Nicholas Sparks?

Hmmmmm. I honestly don’t read either now, but I read a couple of Danielle Steel books when I was younger, and she told a great story.

#6 – Fantasy or Reality?

Reality. Mostly. It’s always great to have flights of fantasy where anything is possible.

#7 – Call or Text?

I’m kind of old school. Texting is great to communicate quick information, but for a real conversation, I prefer a human voice over the phone.

#8 – Public School or Home School?

My kids were all raised in the public schools and they did great, but I have friends who have been homeschooling their daughter and she is amazing. It’s a lot of work, but I can see how it can be an investment in your child’s future.

#9 – Coffee or Hot Chocolate

I need my caffeine.

#10 – eBook or Paperback?

There is still something I love about holding a physical book in my hands, but I am a convert to the ebook. It’s so convenient and doesn’t take up any space. My only problem is that I have a huge backlist of books, and keep on buying new ones.

About the Author

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Peter Thompson grew up on the east side of Chicago, in the shadow of the steel mills where the air was sooty and smelled of sulfur. His life wasn't always so gritty, but the grit and realism find its way into his thrillers. He has always loved stories of every kind, and one of his joys is finding a way to get inside character's heads, seeing the world as they see it and feeling their triumphs, pain, and fear. He visualizes his characters when he writes, and they are larger than life in the big screen of his imagination.

Before pursuing his passion and becoming a full-time author, he tried his hand at everything from factory work, breaking cement in a construction crew, running his own pizza shop, and he was a well-regarded presence in the mortgage industry for nearly thirty years. When he isn't writing, Peter loves, spicy food, live music, and exciting and thought-provoking books and movies. He is a fitness buff who loves to spend time with his grown sons and is looking forward to traveling the world and seeking adventures with his lovely partner.

To get in touch, find out more about future projects, please stop by authorpeterthompson.com. Sign up for his reading list to find out about new releases and receive free perks.

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